Scum isn’t a bad word when it Fits.

Cornish Damo
7 min readOct 25, 2020


Scum she called them. Scum and she got reprimanded for it. If ever there was an absolute failure in parliament to be representative it was Angela Rayner being forced to apologise to that vacant tuss Chris Clarkson for speaking truth, but frankly I felt she was rather restrained and to see deputy speaker Eleanor Laing make such a scene of utter pomposity of it frankly sickened me. Fuck traditions, fuck niceties, they’re starving kids intentionally! To vote to leave kids going hungry and even go as far as to justify that is inhuman, debases us as a nation, damages our reputation and I doubt anyone who voted for them did so for this. 322 of these Tory bastards backed it, just 5 found enough of a conscience to oppose it. I’d say remember it at the ballot box, but that’s fucking years away and current polling shows that STILL, 42% of the public back these monsters — a few tins in the foodbank box ease your conscience does it? clapping for NHS workers whilst your party stripped their pay put food on their table does it? Right now I doubt I could look a single Tory supporter, let alone MP in the eye without that word popping into my head — scum. Many of these shits purport to be Christians, my own MP, Derek Thomas is the son of fucking missionaries, but he still voted to starve kids. Frankly the next time this sadistic non-entity of an MP steps into a church he deserves to burst into fucking flames — Scum.

Children have been living in poverty for years under the Tories and still those too young to get a vote are the ones they persecute. Nearly 1 in 3 are growing up in poverty in one of the wealthiest countries on Earth — it is intentional and the amount of money to feed these kids over half term is tiny — to feed all those on free school meals would cost just £15m — a drop in the ocean when you consider the size of some budgets. Still far too many people in this country back them. It certainly doesn’t help when the BBC and Sky report it as MP’s voted against it, when every single MP that did was a Tory, but that little nugget of truth got buried. I’m not here to attack the media today though.

Nicky Morgan was on Question Time last night to defend this shit, saying it had been politicised — why does a politician need reminding everything is political? She said that the govt had put in £300m into school meals vouchers this year — yes but you outsourced it to Edenred so what was their cut and it doesn’t make one iota of a difference to kids going hungry this coming half term and Christmas because that money has already been spent and she went as far as to blame Labour for it for presenting it as an opposition day motion — essentially blaming parliamentary process for voting it down! Strange, that some of your colleagues thought there were other reasons.

Paul Scully was on Politics Live and decided to blame the previous Labour government because, in his words ‘kids have always gone hungry’. Oh well that’s OK then is it? your predecessors let children go hungry, so for ten years you saw no reason to change that, because that’s how long its been since Labour were in power! Actually, inequality fell under Labour, but naturally this scumbags accusation went unchallenged — it’s the BBC after all.

Brendan Clarke-Smith felt that he didn’t believe in nationalising children — they aren’t a fucking commodity to be traded with, but lest I forget your party basically privatised them when you academized the damn schools so somebody could make a profit — will providing those free school meals offend some shareholders?

Ben Bradley felt that it’d increase dependency on the state to feed people’s kids. No shit Ben, we’re in the middle of a pandemic, work is drying up, unemployment is rising and you scumbags are now planning on slashing Universal Credit to help pay for the cost of said pandemic, those on minimum wage having to live on less than that because you’ll only pay up to two-thirds of their wages, so explain to me how they can feed their kids when you’re destroying their ability to afford to! The poorest shouldering the burden yet again, austerity 2.0. Well let’s look at this a bit more shall we, because you fuckers can find money when you want to.

They’ve each taken a payrise of £3300 each, that works out as just over a million pounds of taxpayers money for the 322 scum MP’s.

They found money to convince you to Eat Out To Help Out, but there’s no money for the poorest kids.

They get £400 food allowance each — if all MP’s gave that up — they’re paid enough after all — that’s roughly £260,000 a month found.

Track and Trace cost £12bn and was a bung straight to their mates — perhaps you’d have saved enough money to fund these school meals during this pandemic if you weren’t so busy letting others do your jobs for you? Sack Serco and feed the kids!

Eat Out To Help Out cost £500m — they found that easily enough, why is £15m so hard?

Johnson found £100bn for his Moonshot project, which as now, in typical Johnson fashion, been scrapped — how about handing 0.015% of that budget to feed the kids over half term?

Theresa May found £1bn to bribe the DUP with, where did that come from? Oh yes, the magic money tree — does it not rustle its leaves to feed kids then?

Johnson found £53m for his Garden Bridge as London Mayor, money for water cannons he could use as well, the list goes on and on.

Thankfully there are some glints of light here and there. In some areas local businesses and schools out of their own budgets are stepping in to help where the government refuses to because it’s the right thing to do.

Marcus Rashford has again been a champion here, but having lost face to the guy a few months ago, there was no way the ego’s within the Tory Party would tolerate it again.

Sadly next week, due to this latest round of abject, unnecessary Tory cruelty, many kids will go hungry, but many parents will too as they give to their kids when there won’t be enough to go around. I happened across this poem by Twitter user @MissSBMP which describes all too clearly what life will be like in thousands of households next week.

Why Would you Even?

As we handed out the fruit today
Lily politely requested a pear
She put it in her pocket
Whilst the others ate right there

Later, Finn shared out his birthday cake
Brought in by mum, with some sweets
Lily wrapped hers in a napkin
Watching her classmates eat

Her packet of sweets was not opened
They went in her pocket as well
She had eaten her school meal at lunchtime
But was hungry, it was easy to tell

“I know we’re in class,” I whispered
“But today is a special treat.
We’re celebrating Finn’s birthday
It’s perfectly OK to eat.”

“Can I take it home to my mum please?”
Lily answered, polite but sad
We don’t have cake at our house
We haven’t had much since dad.

It will be a bit tricky for mum next week
When I’m on holiday
She can’t go to work when I’m at home
We’ll have lots of fun and we play

But it’s a long time without school stuff
My lunches will be really small
And I want to take the cake home
Because mummy eats nothing at all.”

Lily continued to talk
A world of pain pouring out
A child and her mother in need
But who both tried their best, there’s no doubt

“We used to have food when dad was here
But dad was not very kind
It’s better that mummy is safe now
So it’s ok, I don’t really mind

I’d rather be safe (me and mummy)
Than have lots of cake, fruit and sweets
But I put this stuff in my pocket
So mummy could have something to eat”

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Cornish Damo

Labour member & Politics Mouthpiece. Maker of Organic Working Class Media, please support it! #DamoRants!